Morning Sixers – Friday, March 3rd, 2017

“Do you think the Sixers can use Okafor as leverage come draft time to move up a position or two in the draft? Could his value be high enough if the Sixers have the 5th spot and Phoenix has the 4. Would a team like Phoenix or LAL take Okafor and the 5 to switch at 4? or any other number of positions.”
— Adam.
I suppose anything is possible, if the exact right team sits the exact right draft position, but I wouldn’t get your hopes up.
First, you would need a team that values Okafor, and values him pretty significantly. Moving down in the draft, even a spot or two, can be scary for a team that has strong opinions on some of these potentially elite level talents, talents they might view as possibly being capable of turning their franchise around. They would have to consider Okafor not a throw in, but still consider him an elite level talent as well.
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